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Textures and interference in this series of artworks create their own graphic language. They creates feeling of the surface. The dots turn into flowing streams that act hypnotically and putting the viewer into almost trance experience.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #2
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #3
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #4
Request price
Dimensions: 120х110 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #5
Request price
Dimensions: 100х100 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #6
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #7
Request price
Dimensions: 120х100 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #8
Request price
Dimensions: 120х75 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #9
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #10
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #11
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #12
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #13
Request price
Dimensions: 120х100 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #14
Request price
Dimensions: 100х50 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #15
Request price
Dimensions: 60х70 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #16
Request price
Dimensions: 100х85 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #17
Request price
Dimensions: 100х85 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #18
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #19
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #20
Request price
Dimensions: 100х90 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #21
Request price
Dimensions: 100х70 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #22
Request price
Dimensions: 100х95 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #23
Request price
Dimensions: 250х250 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
Surface #24
Request price
Dimensions: 300х300 cm
Material: Canvas, acrylic paint.
Packaging: The work is delivered in a high quality cardboard box. Inside the box is equipped with a protective softening layer, which guarantees the safety of the artwork during transportation at any part of the world.
Edition: The work is made in 3 copies. Each is signed and numbered by the author. With each work provided signed certificate of authenticity.
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